Product and system & method development is our guiding principle

Our combined experience of more than 50 years of professional work and private leisure in various activities in different outdoor environments around the world, together with our formal competencies, allows us to meet our customers’ needs and problems. Developing products, which in turn are put in the context of working together in a system requires a deep understanding of methods & working techniques. The individual’s ability in a group dynamic perspective is also of crucial importance in order to achieve the best possible outcome for the user.

Tailor-made solutions according to your needs

Our company has unique competencies and experience in the field of training and applied occupational & equipment physiology which allows us to offer you as a customer:

… in the context of all types of outdoor activities, survival techniques, and occupational safety for particularly demanding and vulnerable professions.

In addition, we offer:
nature guiding in nearby environments, in forests and on lakes, and lectures

Tailor-made solutions according to your needs

Our company has unique competencies and experience in the field of training and applied occupational & equipment physiology which allows us to offer you as a customer: